Article 8224

Title of the article

USSR: mechanism for constituting a federal state, 1922–1924 


Olʼga A. Berketova, Postgraduate student, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),


Background. Recently, scientists have paid attention to the structuring of the federalization process, highlighting among other stages the moment of constituting a feder-al state. According to the author, it should include not only the development of a federal Constitution and (or) Treaty, but also the formation of new government bodies. This approach is implemented in the article using the example of the creation of the USSR in 1922–1924, which became the first socialist federation in history. The purpose of the study is to conduct an inventory of the available material, eliminate doubts in determining the chronological framework and clarify the nature of the historical process that took place. Materials and methods. The article was written with extensive use of documents and scientific publications. Of key importance are the transcripts of the 12th Congress of the RCP(b) in April 1923 and the Fourth Meeting of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) in June 1923. The method of comparison and historical reconstruction is used to analyze the materials. Results. When determining the initial date of constitution, the author proceeded from the fact that in the spring of 1922, perhaps, only the awareness of the need to create a more formalized union of Soviet republics came, but the practical actions themselves relate only to August–October 1922. The author believes that the date is September 1922 is more optimal, since at this time there is a collision between the two polar points of view of I.V. Stalin and V.I. Lenin, from which, due to intellectual and organizational authority, the latter emerges as the winner. In the subsequent period of time, until December 30, 1922, the ideological formalization of the federal Treaty was carried out against the backdrop of the “Georgian Affair”, which was scandalous for the Bolshevik Party. An attempt at rebellion by old Georgian revolutionaries, infected with the mania of Georgian ethnocratism, had little chance of success, but signaled to the leadership of the RCP(b) about intensified na-tional deviations. These deviations also manifested themselves in other parts of the emerg-ing USSR – in Ukraine, in a persistent, semi-hidden form, to obtain as much power as possible from the center, and in territories with a predominantly Muslim population in the form of variations of the doctrine of pan-Turkism. Therefore, the leadership of the RCP(b) considered it necessary to discuss the national question after December 30, 1922 – at the 12th Congress of the RCP(b) and at the Fourth Meeting of the Central Committee of the RCP(b). Moreover, in parallel with this, the powers of the bodies of the new union state were clari-fied and their formation took place. J.V. Stalin himself made a gesture of goodwill towards the republics, advocating the organization of a second chamber in the All-Union Central Executive Committee, built on the representation of ethnic groups. Conclusions. The com-pletion of the constitution was the approval of the Constitution of the USSR at the 2nd session of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, on July 6, 1923, the final formation of government bodies in the second half of 1923 and the adoption of the constitutional document by the highest authority – the 2nd Congress of Soviets on December 31, 1924. Thus, the entire process turned out to be more difficult in our country than on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. This was due to the fact that historical rates were much higher and initially required serious centralization.  

Key words

constitution of a federal state; creation of the USSR; Lenin’s federalization plan; Stalin’s plan for autonomy; the 12th Congress of the RCP(b); Fourth Meeting of the Central Committee of the RCP(b)

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For citation:

Berketova O.A. USSR: mechanism for constituting a federal state, 1922–1924. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Povolzhskiy region. Obshchestvennye nauki = University proceedings. Volga region. Social sciences. 2024;(2):95–108. (In Russ.). doi: 10.21685/2072-3016-2024-2-8


Дата создания: 10.09.2024 12:22
Дата обновления: 23.09.2024 11:24